It's About Her 5

It's About Her 5

Welcome to the series of mini story ‘It’s about her 5’, where I will talk about women’s thinking of why she chooses what she chooses and things she will think but not share.

* * *

He asked out of nowhere; ‘So far we are talking, What comes to your mind when My name comes to your mind??’

She became blank, She was not ready for this question. Even though they are chatting, he can understand her blank face and her mind.

‘I didn’t understand what you were trying to ask!’- she replied.

‘Nevermind’ He said.

She doesn’t want to kill the conversation or ruin the mood. So She said, ‘Are aise keise! I’ll give you an answer. Reframe the question and ask again’.

‘Okay, let me put it this way. What qualities come to your mind when you think of me?’ He reframed and asked.


‘Aha, so you want to listen to the tariff. There is no quality that comes to my mind when your name pops up into my head.’ She replied knowingly negative.

Without losing his mind or changing the topic, He continued the conversation and said, ‘So, when I thought of your name or your name came to mind, I could see is,

A beautiful girl with zero complications.

With whom I can share most of it, Without judgement

Because we both have been through a lot(at some level)

Who appreciates honesty

And reciprocates the same”


* * *

Her mood suddenly shifted from enjoyment to adoration. She read twice. As she is reading, her cheeks are becoming red (by blushing, obviously).

She knows it’s time to become serious. She thought his name, and what came to her mind about him is, He is,

“Smart ass low key person,

Know-it-all but not do flex(at least not in front of me),

Vividly believe in God (good for him),

Has a good business sense(only this sense I know),

Can cook a meal, Live minimalist life,

Read a lot(+5point for this) (if there's points)

And good with women, good in bed, wants to kiss him every time she sees him.”

She typed everything on their chat, but skipped the last line.

And hit the send button.

Also Visit: It's About Her 4 Love Story

Also Read: Hot Love Romance Stories

Bina Parmar
Bina Parmar

Hi there, lovely internet stranger!

Welcome to the ramblings of a person(I don’t call myself a writer) who thrives on coffee more than people ( observing people never hurts). I am not a well known writer, but I bring a different kind of adventure: the kind where sarcasm flows freely and pop culture references become surprisingly profound.

(P.S. If you made it this far, you're clearly a person of exquisite taste.)

Because trust me, after reading one of my pieces, you will want to come back again.