Her Story Part-4

Her Story Part-4 - My Movie List

What is stopping her? Why can't she muster the courage to tell him her true feelings? This is Her Story Part-4, taking a deeper dive into her world and secrets.

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What are dreams to you? Dreams are the only thing that anybody can take from you or control. One can dream of flying as a bird or hibernating as a bear.

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A passionate small-town literature graduate arrives in the big city, fighting the patriarchal society and all odds to pursue her dream.

She arrived carrying the weight of her dreams on one shoulder and her family’s expectations on the other.

While she prepared for the interview in the small room, she shared with other girls, promising herself, ‘ My dreams are my priority, the reason I am here; nothing can change that’ She wore a white dress, strappy heels and partially wet hair, ready to crack the interview.

She enters a flashy, fancy building of what dreams are made of.

Her Story 4

Her interview went well, but something was missing. Success is sweeter when you have someone to share it with.

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The new CEO is about to join, and she made every notion about him, ‘He must be a spoilt brat, with no passion or knowledge of publishing or literature’ while other girls said, ‘I think I could be the next boss lady if he falls in love with me’.

That was the first time she saw him in the cafeteria. He had the kindest smile, twinkling eyes, and, of course, charming!

‘There no way he could ever fall in love with a girl like me! But no, I can’t let anyone come between my dreams and responsibility.’

Unable to find a cab, she decides to take the lift from any stranger that comes her way.

A middle-aged creepy man stops by and says, ‘Madam, I can drop you anywhere you like.’

As she tries to leave, a young man in an SUV stops by and says, ‘Baby, I am so sorry to keep you waiting; I have my movie list. You choose, and we can have dinner; this is my way of apologizing.’

Her Story Part-4

He whispered, ‘Get in the car’ She said, ‘Thank you, sir, for saving me from that awkward situation’.

And this was their first conversation.

What happened next? Wait for part 5!

Also Read: Hot Love Romance Stories

Also Visit: Her Story Part-1

Bina Parmar
Bina Parmar

Hi there, lovely internet stranger!

Welcome to the ramblings of a person(I don’t call myself a writer) who thrives on coffee more than people ( observing people never hurts). I am not a well known writer, but I bring a different kind of adventure: the kind where sarcasm flows freely and pop culture references become surprisingly profound.

(P.S. If you made it this far, you're clearly a person of exquisite taste.)

Because trust me, after reading one of my pieces, you will want to come back again.