Her Story Part 3

Her Story Part-3 - I Had My Options

Time goes in flashbacks, taking her back to the first time they met. This is her story part-3, trying to change her fate, regretting the moment she allowed emotions to creep it and ethics taking a back seat.

She recalled watching him enter the office cafeteria, the brightest smile and passionate eyes, charming everybody as he walks him.

She asks the girl sitting besides her ‘Who is he? Never seen him before’. The girl replies ‘He is the new CEO, isn’t he too young and handsome to be a CEO?’.

She told herself ‘Put a full-stop right there!’

* * *

Coming back to the reality, their eyes meet but there is an awkward silence between them. As she was about to leave the conference room, he said ‘I had my options but over everything I chose you, why can’t you do the same?.

Her world came to a standstill, she looked at him at replied ‘Options? Am I only a option to you?’.

He fawned and said ‘You know that is not what I meant, you are mean the world to me’.

She, left silently.

Everyone in the room felt the silence and wondered, how can somebody soo perfect together, not be together.

You too are wondering the same.

Stay tuned for her story 4.

Also Read: Hot Love Romance Stories

Also Visit: Her Story Part-1

Bina Parmar
Bina Parmar

Hi there, lovely internet stranger!

Welcome to the ramblings of a person(I don’t call myself a writer) who thrives on coffee more than people ( observing people never hurts). I am not a well known writer, but I bring a different kind of adventure: the kind where sarcasm flows freely and pop culture references become surprisingly profound.

(P.S. If you made it this far, you're clearly a person of exquisite taste.)

Because trust me, after reading one of my pieces, you will want to come back again.