Her Story Part 2

Her Story Part-2 - The Day is Here

She reaches home, avoids eye contact with everybody and slams the door, just refusing to believe what just happened. This is Her Story Part-2; the storm in her, if it unwinds, could destroy anything that touches it.

‘What was I thinking?’ she said to herself as she changed her outfit to get rid of his fragrance lurking around her clothes.

The fragrance takes her to the intimate moments they spent promising each other never to let any emotions evoke between them.

‘But why do I have to make myself go through this?

her story 2

Why can’t we be more than friends?

'Do I lack the courage to stand up for what I feel?’ she questions herself. She pauses, wipes the tears, and with a newfound determination, declares, ‘Enough is enough! Nothing can prevent us from being together!’

She decided, ‘The day is here’, and grabbed her phone to text him her answer. Said, 'No, I need to meet him!'

Her cheeks flush with anticipation, turning them a rosy hue, as she envisions everything she would tell him.

She creates fake scenarios in her mind, such as how she would tell him how his touch feels, how he calls her name, eyes, smile, and everything she admires!

The day is here

As she opens the door…..something stops her. She turns her feet back inside, and everything crushes like a sandcastle blown against gushy winds.

What stops them from listening to her? Why is she unable to build up the courage to tell him?

To find out, wait for her story 3!

Also Read: Hot Love Romance Stories

Also Visit: Her Story Part-3

Bina Parmar
Bina Parmar

Hi there, lovely internet stranger!

Welcome to the ramblings of a person(I don’t call myself a writer) who thrives on coffee more than people ( observing people never hurts). I am not a well known writer, but I bring a different kind of adventure: the kind where sarcasm flows freely and pop culture references become surprisingly profound.

(P.S. If you made it this far, you're clearly a person of exquisite taste.)

Because trust me, after reading one of my pieces, you will want to come back again.