Her Story part-1

Her Story Part-1 - Why You Liked It

After the success of the ‘It’s about her’ series. We came up with, another series of her story. It’s in the format of a small novel. Stay with us on this journey of ‘Her Story’

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This is her story Part-1, It’s about her perspective and thoughts in the rawest form.

Let's Begin with Her Story Part-1

She functions differently than all girls. She threw her vulnerability locked in a box deep inside the ocean, a side that she kept concealed from the world.

He was not what she had ever imagined. Nothing like the patriarchal society expects a man to behave (different than most of the men she was surrounded by).

He had a feminine side. And he is not ashamed to show it to the world, yet more masculine than any man could ever be.

She had promised herself that things could never go beyond ‘desires’, but whom does the heart listen to?

Before leaving, he asked her,

“Tell me why you like it. And if you do like it, Why is it that we cannot be more than friends? What is stopping you? How can I help?

her story part-1

She replied, after taking a long breath. Even after long breath, she felt short of breath,

“Had we not decided that this is how it’s going to be?” Recalling their promise to keep commitment, love, and attachment in the cupboard and never open it.

He looked at her. Her face looked emotionless. You can’t read anything from her face. He understood that he pulled a string of some sensitive part. And this will not go well.

“We’ll talk some other day”- she said.

She took a cab home and shuffled her playlist to the saddest song till tears rolled; till there was a lump in her throat, and she went into some zone. After half an hour of driving, the cab driver said, “We reached your destination”.

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What happens next? How did they meet? Does she accept his offerings? Stay tuned for the next part of her story.

Also Read: Hot Love Romance Stories

Also Visit: Jessica Madsen: I Am In Love With A Woman

Bina Parmar
Bina Parmar

Hi there, lovely internet stranger!

Welcome to the ramblings of a person(I don’t call myself a writer) who thrives on coffee more than people ( observing people never hurts). I am not a well known writer, but I bring a different kind of adventure: the kind where sarcasm flows freely and pop culture references become surprisingly profound.

(P.S. If you made it this far, you're clearly a person of exquisite taste.)

Because trust me, after reading one of my pieces, you will want to come back again.